Passers of the November 2019 Licensure Examination for Agriculturist (LEA) attended the Oath-taking Ceremony organized by the Professional Regulatory Board of Agriculture and the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) XI in coordination with Philippine Association of Agriculturist Incorporation, Davao Eagle Chapter and Soccsksargen Robusta Chapter last February 26, 2020 at the Grand Menseng Hotel.
The University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) was among the 28 schools and universities across Regions 11 and 12 that attended the said event. According to the data from the PRC, 115 out of 215 (53.48%) takers from USeP College of Agriculture and Related Sciences (CARS) passed the November 2019 LEA.
Engr. Josephine V. Liamson, Regional Director of Philippine Regulation Commission XI, who served as the keynote speaker of the ceremony, encouraged the new agriculturists to hold and continue with their chosen profession with excellence, integrity, professionalism and commitment. Engr. Liamson concluded her message with a challenge for the oath-takers: “How does our culture affect our economy today and how can agriculture truly make a positive impact for the Filipino people?”
Dr. Cesar A. Limbaga Jr., Chancellor of USeP Tagum-Mabini Campus, attended on behalf of the University President to recognize the topnotchers and top performing schools in Mindanao. The USeP President said, through her prepared speech delivered by Dr. Limbaga, “I challenge all of you to become the leaders you want to emulate and project.”
The USeP is a center of Excellence for Agriculture, Provincial Institute of Agriculture and National University for Agriculture.