The Office of the Vice President for Research, Development and Extension (OVPRDE) oversees the entire Research and Innovation undertakings of the University. It ensures that programs, activities, and projects are properly coordinated, and implementation is facilitated for the realization of the Universityโs RDE mandate. The office performs the two essential pillars of the four-fold functions of this University, apart from instruction and production. The office serves as the nerve center for all academic research, development, and extension services. It aims to achieve better management, enhanced productivity, and improved efficiency and effectiveness of the universityโs RDE programs. It operates under the following principles: Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach; Balanced RDE programs in all levels; Strong inter-agency linkages and collaborative efforts; and Rational utilization of human and physical resources. The office established the Office of Project Development and Linkages (OPDeL) as the hub of the RDE relations to genuinely support the plans and programs of the university in order to intensify external RDE partnership and linkages in coordination with the three (3) divisions, namely: Research & Development Division, Extension Division, and Knowledge and Technology Transfer Division.
Know the latest news about
the office:
Research, Development and Extension
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iรฑigo St. Bo. Obrero Davao City 8000
Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 297
E-mail: rde@usep.edu.ph