The University Learning Resource Center (ULRC) and College Libraries are indispensable areas in academic institutions. These areas play a vital role in attaining the mission and vision of the university. The University Learning Resource Center (ULRC) is under the supervision of the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). It coordinates administration, planning, quality assurance resource management, research, development, and extension activities. The Director of Libraries spearheads the University Learning Resource Center. Through the years, the ULRC and the college libraries of this university continue to serve the increasing number of users who want to access the varied formats of information sources. Information sources are also acquired in electronic format, and the development of an integrated library system is considered to provide accessible and quality services to library users. Further, the LRC is embracing new avenues of communication to reach out to library users and apply library trends to respond to library users' academic needs.
Know the latest news about
the office:
USEP Learning Resource Center
University of Southeastern Philippines
Iñigo St. Bo. Obrero, Davao City 8000
Telephone No: +6382 225-4696, loc. 251 / 308
E-mail address: lrc@usep.edu.ph