National Book Week Celebration

Happy Library and Information Science Month, USePIANS!

Every November, the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) and the National Committee on Libraries and Information Services (NCLIS) of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) commemorate the Library and Information Services (LIS) Month per Proclamation No. 837 series of 1991, which declares the entire month of November as LIS Month.

In line with this, the USeP Learning Resource Center (ULRC), in partnership with the Guild of Young Information Specialists (GYIS), is cordially inviting everyone to participate in the 32nd Library and Information Services Month and the 88th National Book Week Celebration with the theme: “Basa. Bayan. Bukas”

We invite all USePIANS to participate in our activities. Prizes await the winners, plus a certificate of participation!

Please see the mechanics/guidelines here using your USeP email address:
𝟏. Share-a-Book Drive
2. Daily Trivia Contest
3. Bookface Contest
4. Digital Poster Making Contest
5. Storytelling Contest
6. Shelfie Contest


This activity aims to achieve the following:

1. To awaken students’ reading interest and promote the resources and services offered by the University Learning Resource Center.
2. To celebrate the contribution of libraries in the Philippines in promoting love and interest in reading.
3. To increase staff’s level of efficiency, knowledge, and skills better to fulfil future duties and responsibilities during the in-service training and echo seminar activity

The culmination activities: face-to-face storytelling contest, turn-over of book donations and awarding of winners will be on November 25, 2022, at the Main Library of ULRC!

Join now, keep updated and have fun!
