The University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) Public Affairs Division (PAD) recently organized a training-workshop on university webpage management for Academic Units PAD Coordinators. The event took place on July 6, 2023, at the CIC Conference Room, USeP Obrero Campus, Davao City.
The primary objective of this activity was to equip the participants with the necessary skills and tools to effectively manage and publish content on their respective webpages. The training specifically aimed to enhance the University’s online presence and branding by providing cohesive and comprehensive content.
Dr. Bonifacio G. Gabales, Jr., the Vice President for Academic Affairs, extended a warm welcome to the participants and expressed sincere gratitude to the PAD for initiating this invaluable training opportunity aimed at elevating the University’s image and public brand. He emphasized that with the assistance of PAD, the University would enhance its ability to provide engaging and up-to-date information about all academic engagements. ‘‘Let’s show to the world brilliance of the University,’’ he fervently expressed.
Before the training commenced, Dr. Rosfe Corlae D. Badoy, the PAD Director, highlighted the importance of the training and its potential impact on the participants’ academic units. This served as a reminder of the significance of maximizing the outcomes and benefits of the training. She also introduced Mr. Rodgieb Fritz E. Barnuevo, SDMD Programmer, who is assigned for the back-end works of the University website.
Ms. Virgithe Angelique C. Alfaro, PAD Development Communication Staff, expert in managing the University webpages, played a crucial role as the technical resource person and facilitated the training-workshop. Ms. Alfaro shared her extensive knowledge and experience, guiding the participants through various aspects of the University webpages’ essential functionalities.
Throughout the session, the PAD coordinators were able to enhance and improve their respective academic units’ webpages. Dr. Gabales and Dr. Badoy served as evaluators during the participants’ presentation of their outputs, providing valuable feedback and insights.
The Webpage Training-Workshop conducted by USeP PAD highlights the University’s commitment to fostering effective communication channels and leveraging the power of the digital realm to enhance its image and engage with the public. Through this upskilling activity, the participants are now better equipped to showcase their work and contribute to the overall branding and visibility of the University. The participants’ outputs can be viewed on the University’s website: