Selected USeP faculty served as facilitators during the fourth round of Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA)-spearheaded Mindanao 2020 (M2020): Mindanao Agenda 2023-2028 Stakeholders’ Consultation and Validation Workshop on October 16-17, 2023, at Seda Hotel, Abreeza, Davao City.
Stakeholders from various government instrumentalities, the private sector, and the academe participated in the said workshop which aims to discuss the strengthening of international partnership and Brunei Darussalam–Indonesia–Malaysia–Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area or BIMP-EAGA (Agenda 4); physical and institutional connectivity (Agenda 5); digital transformation and innovation (Agenda 6); ensuring environmental sustainability (Agenda 7); and forging partnerships towards durable peace and effective governance (Agenda 9).
Faculty experts from various academic units of the University were tapped by MinDA to facilitate the discussions during the consultation. Dr. Reynaldo M. Nogodula, Director of the International Affairs Division (IAD) and a faculty of the College of Education (CEd) for Agenda 4; Dr. Rosfe Corlae D. Badoy, Director of the Public Affairs Division (PAD) and a faculty of the College of Business Administration (CBA) for Agenda 5; Dr. Ivy Kim D. Machica, Dean and faculty of the College of Information and Computing (CIC) for Agenda 6; Dr. Merlina H. Juruena, Faculty and Research Head of College of Agriculture and Related Sciences (CARS) for Agenda 7; and Atty. Jesus A. Villardo III, Director of the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) and a faculty of School of Law (SoL) for Agenda 9.
The workshop sought to validate the identified challenges besetting Mindanao and the desired outcomes and strategies to address the areas for improvement and generate new ideas from the participants who have first-hand experience of what’s happening on the ground.
Consolidated inputs from consultation and validation workshops will be processed to finalize the M2020/Mindanao Agenda 2022-2028, which envisions an “Improved Quality of Life for Mindanawons by 2030.” The Mindanao Agenda 2022-2028 is derived from the Mindanao Peace and Development Framework Plan 2011-2030 or the Mindanao 2020, which MinDA launched in 2011.
This series of consultations will run from September to November 2023 in key cities in Mindanao.
Photo Courtesy of Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA)