CTET Extension Office took part in a month-long activity at Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School

The College of Teacher Education and Technology (CTET) Extension Office took part in a month-long activity at Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School on their MPCES Camp C.H.A.M.P.S 2022 as part of the Brigada Pagbasa Program. The activity aims to improve the reading skills of the 399 struggling readers at the said school. Having the same intention to attain their vision as an education partner, the college has accepted the opportunity to be part of its 3rd week of the program implementation.

The pre-service teachers from the BEED program and faculty extensionists were the tutors for the five-day reading program from July 25 to July 29, 2022. On the awarding day, CTET faculty were present, headed by Dr. Genna J. Carmelo, College Dean. Together with Dr. Arnulfo S. Masong, BEED Program Head; Dr. Maricel A. Palomata, MEdLT Program Head; and Mr. Rizalino O. Dela Torre, Jr., College Extension Head. The USeP CTET community is thankful for being part of the MPCES Camp C.H.A.M.P.S 2022.