
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

As mandated by Section 6 of the Republic Act 8292, the SUC President shall be assisted by a Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) who shall be appointed/designated by the BOR upon the former’s recommendation without prejudice to the appointment of more than one Vice President when so warranted.

The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (OVPAA) is mandated to carry out all academic policies and academic related programs in all campuses of the University; coordinate the formulation of long-term academic plans; direct the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of approved programs and activities of divisions/offices; coordinate all academic-related programs and services of the University to ensure inter-program implementation and maximization of resources; exercise general supervision over all deans of colleges/schools and campuses as well as academic-related services; and assist the President on matters pertaining to discipline of faculty members and students.