Cagayan State University (CSU) conducted Benchmarking Activity at USeP

Officials and personnel from Cagayan State University (CSU) conducted a benchmarking activity on the USeP Office of the Vice President for Research and Development, and Extension (OVPRDE) regarding the University RDE Centers, Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab), and USeP’s best practices in the area of research and development, the active and on-going extension programs, including some future RDE endeavors between USeP and CSU.

Further, the benchmarking activity included handing the Disaster Resilience Mapping of Mission-Critical Infrastructures of State Universities and colleges in the Philippines (DAREMAPS) Terminal report, which is a Commission on Higher Education (CHED) funded collaborative research project of which USeP is a partner state university of CSU.

President Urduja G. Alvarado, CESO II led the CSU officials and delegation while VPRDE Dr. Shirley S. Villanueva headed the USeP officials. CSU delegates expressed their satisfaction with the essential tips and inputs that USeP officials shared while sharing their own experience developing their RDE in Cagayan.

The benchmarking activity was concluded with an ocular visit to facilities and laboratories.