Welcome to the University Assessment and Guidance Center!
The University Assessment and Guidance Center (UAGC) is a university-specific unit that provides guidance services and programs that are primarily preventive intervention in nature. This Center aims to help the USeP community, especially the students with their academic, personal, social, and career choice and development. This is to ensure that they can live a fulfilling life while pursuing university. Assistance is provided to internal clients who seek guidance and counseling on a regular basis or during emergency situations as walk-ins, call-ins, or as referred by faculty, staff, fellow students, and parents.
College is one of the most memorable years of one's life since it provides so much opportunities for growth, development, and great experiences. While all of these are true, hardships, pressures, stresses, anxieties, and other distressing emotions and situations caused by internal or external factors are inevitable. As a result, college life may become stressful and challenging. With the concerted effort of the university administrators, faculty, and staff, the UAGC is here to attend to your educational and psychological concerns as you navigate your way through college and career success. Our goal is to help you develop life-coping skills that will enable you to successfully confront everyday challenges.
The UAGC strongly supports the promotion of good mental health and well-being for everybody, since it can have a direct or indirect impact on academic achievement, social life, emotional well-being, and all other aspects of one’s life. We have competent and dedicated Counselors who are always ready to listen and guide your way to college and life success. Also, our kind and approachable Psychometricians and Technical personnel are available and delighted to assist you.
Let UAGC be your guide throughout your journey at the university. Please feel free to drop by our office. We are all here to serve you in every possible way we can!