About CAS

The University of Southeastern Philippines was established by virtue of Batas Pambansa Blg. 12 signed on December 14, 1978. On the first meeting of the Board of Regents of the University held on April 25, 1979, the creation of the College of Arts and Sciences was approved.

The College has two specific responsibilities:

  • It is the service unit that takes charge of the two-year general education courses required in USeP undergraduate degree programs regardless of the field of specialization. An added responsibility of the College is a foreign language as an elective to prepare students to be globally competitive.
  • The College offers its own degree program wherein students are trained to conduct research for undergraduate thesis.

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences


On behalf of our students, staff, and faculty, I would like to welcome you to the College of Arts and Sciences. For many years, CAS has been committed to offering programs that are cutting-edge, practical, and grounded on deep consideration of what it means to be a competent person. It envisions itself to be a leading center of excellence in the arts and sciences and a partner in research and development.

CAS is not just a service college for the General Education courses of the University but it also offers undergraduate and graduate school programs, namely: BA in English Language major in Applied Linguistics, BS in Mathematics, BS in Statistics, BS in Biology, BA in Literature and Cultural Studies, Master of  Arts in Applied Linguistics, Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, Master of Science in Biology, and Master of Arts in Literature which are accredited by the Accrediting Association of Chartered Colleges and University in the Philippines (AACCUP).

Our goal is to educate the students not just to teach them. We are committed to facilitate the integral development of our students and to equip them with the skills necessary for global competence.

We want our students to gain a greater understanding of themselves, as well as respect and appreciation for others. 

If you have questions as to the college programs, feel free to browse this website or contact us.


The University of Southeastern Philippines was established by virtue of Batas Pambansa Blg. 12 signed on December 14, 1978. On the first meeting of the Board of Regents of the University held on April 25, 1979, the creation of the College of Arts and Sciences was approved.

Board Resolution No. 28, s. 1981 also approved the offering of the following academic programs in the College: AB English, AB Political Science, BS Mathematics, and BS Biology. Due to some reasons, the offering of AB Political Science was not undertaken; however, the Board approved the offering of BS Statistics with Resolution No. 206 s. 1983.


The College has three specific responsibilities:

  • It is the service unit that takes charge of the two-year general education courses required in USeP undergraduate degree programs regardless of the field of specialization. An added responsibility of the College is a foreign language as an elective to prepare students to be globally competitive.
  • The College offers its own degree program wherein students are trained to conduct research for undergraduate and graduate theses.
  • The College houses the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS).

The College of Arts and Sciences shall be a leading center of excellence in the arts and sciences and shall be a partner in research and development.


The College of Arts and Sciences shall enhance the fundamental development of every student by integrating and unifying the various fields of knowledge. The College shall also cultivate moral responsibility of the student as they practice critical thinking and sound judgment in day-to-day activities. Furthermore, the unit shall produce the graduates who are professionally competent in their chosen field of specialization, be it Biology, English, Mathematics, or Statistics.


Intellectually, to equip students with skills to think analytically, critically, and interdependently.

Socially, to develop peace-loving change agents with desirable values and leadership qualities and thoroughly aware of the impacts of social, economical, political, scientific, technological, and environmental issues while possessing the ability to manage such impacts;

Morally, to demonstrate a philosophy of life with a strong faith in the Divine Providence, a high sense of spiritual values and a deep appreciation for the natural heritage.


In consonance with the mandate of the University, the College of Arts and Sciences is committed to facilitate the integral development of an individual to enable him to effect changes in himself and environment to realize the fullness of life.