CAS Green Feathers – Memorable and Unforgettable Awarding Ceremony

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Faculty, students, and parents were gathered in the University Social Hall for the Green Feather Awarding Ceremony last March 14, 2024.

The ceremony was started by Dr. Marnie Grace I. Sonico, CAS Dean, who delivered the opening remarks.

Students were joyful to be recognized as Deans’ Listers for the second semester of academic year 2022-2023 and the first semester of academic year 2023-2024.

Wilmento Tormis, Jr., an AB English Language alumnus, gave an inspirational message during the event. He reminisced about the struggles and hardships during his college years as a student and as an officer. Moreover, the former Local Council Governor emphasized that everything is balanced to achieve the dreams and stressed that the students should enjoy the activities given by the College and University.

“Today, you are given this recognition; please don’t forget to thank your parents. To thank everyone who was part of your journey” he said.

The Green Feather Awarding Ceremony is one of the activities that was collaborated with the CAS Local Council. The awarding ceremony acknowledged the students who excelled in academics and extracurricular activities for the past semesters.