Services Offered
E-Learning is an exciting new delivery mode which utilizes technology to increase the effectiveness and accessibility of learning. It provides you, the learner, with information that can be accessed at your own time, place and pace. Mindanao eLearning Space is committed to developing quality eLearning award courses and training programs that meet the needs of the Department of Education. Based on preliminary needs analyses of senior managers, school heads and teachers, the following four courses are under development.
1. Business Venture Management
Business Venture Management (BVM) is intended to help you students and businessmen alike to improve your chances of succeeding in your business or would-be businesses. This course focuses on assisting you how to write a good business proposal for a new venture that may be presented to different stakeholders.
2.) Managing Industrial Relations
Managing Industrial Relations is one of the core subjects that you take up in this program. The course is a general introduction to Industrial Relations principles and practices, particularly in Philippine setting. It covers discussion on status of employment, labor organizations, representation and collective bargaining, the right to concerted actions by the employees and post employment. The course is largely based on the legal provisions related to employment and labor relations as provided for in the Philippine Labor Code and other relevant laws and jurisprudence.
3.) Strategic Management
Welcome to the Strategic Management Course! This course concentrates on the managerial tasks of crafting and implementing comprehensive strategies and plans for achieving sustained competitive advantage. The course utilizes lecture, text, discussion and case study methods. A fundamental theme of the course is that firms are most likely to achieve sustained success if their managers have sound strategic plans of business. This “big picture” course integrates knowledge gained from prior core business courses. It sharpens the student’s ability to “think strategically” by assessing and matching internal competences to opportunities in the external business environment. Thus, the course integrates perspectives of the chief executive, senior management and the entire management structure.