Academic Policies and Regulations
Academic Load
The regular academic load for undergraduate students shall be eighteen (18) to twenty four (24) academic units, including laboratory, or that which is prescribed in the curriculum in a semester for a certain degree program.
A graduating student with an academic record better than average (2.50) may be granted an overload not exceeding six (6) units or two (2) courses in his last semester, provided that the total allowed academic load does not exceed the maximum of thirty (30) units including laboratory.
A regular student shall enroll all the courses prescribed in every semester or term for the curriculum to which he/she belongs. He/she shall carry a load of not more than the number of units set per semester or term.
A student who fails in at least one (1) course shall not be permitted to carry more courses or academic units during the following semester than the academic load of his/her regular contemporaries enrolled in the same program.
During the summer term, the normal load shall be six (6) units, but in justifiable case, the Dean of the college may allow a higher load but not exceeding nine (9) units.
The Dean of the college shall limit the academic load of students who are employed, whether full-time or part-time. A graduate student is allowed to enroll a maximum load of twelve (12) units per semester. However, students enrolled in special programs are allowed to take a maximum load of fifteen (15) units. Students may enroll additional subject(s) not included in the curriculum but prepare them for the degree they pursue. The same subjects shall not be considered in the computation of a students GPA.
No student shall be denied admission to the University by reason of age, sex, religious belief, physical disabilities, nationality or political affiliations.
No person who has not completed the enrolment process of the University shall be admitted to the classes. In exceptional cases, the University/Campus Registrar may, on the recommendation of the Dean concerned, authorize the admission of a visitor to a class for not more than five (5) sessions.
Entrance requirements for each graduate and undergraduate program shall be prescribed by the college and approved by the University President.
Only persons in good health, as certified by competent authorities may be admitted. The privilege of matriculation may be withdrawn upon recommendation of competent authority.
Students deficient in admission requirements may be provisionally admitted if found competent, provided they make up for all deficiencies within one year.
In the admission of students coming from foreign countries, the substantial equivalence of courses completed with those prescribed by the University shall be considered, if such courses were taken in an institution of recognized standing. Immigration and CHED requirements shall likewise be complied.
Every student shall, upon admission, sign the following pledge:
In consideration of my admission to the University of Southeastern Philippines and of the privileges of a student in this institution, I hereby promise and pledge to abide by, and comply with, all the rules and regulations laid down by competent authority in the University.
Refusal to take this pledge shall be sufficient cause for denial of admission.
The University may limit or close admission for students whenever the availability of the faculty and facilities do not warrant.
Related articles:
All students are obliged to attend classes regularly and must be punctual. Their attendance should be religiously monitored by the faculty.
A. Excessive Absences – the rules on attendance shall be enforced in all classes. A student shall be dropped or failed from his/her class when the number of hours lost by absence reaches 20 percent of the total hours required by his/her course. The Table below provides the number of absences for the 20% rule to apply:
No. of meetings per week No of Absence
(Regular semester)
3 11
2 7
1 4
If the majority of the absences are excused, the student shall be dropped but if the majority of the absences are unexcused, he/she shall be given a grade of “5”. Time lost by late enrolment shall be considered as time lost by absence. Excuses are for time missed only. All work covered by the class during the absence shall be made up to the satisfaction of the faculty within a reasonable time from the date of absence.
Students who are late fifteen (15) minutes after the start of classes shall be considered absent. However, if the teacher is late by 15 minutes, the students may leave the classroom, unless the teacher informs the students beforehand. If the faculty arrives later than 15 minutes without prior information given to his/her students and the latter have already left the classroom, the faculty must not impose any form of sanctions to his/her students for not being there during that particular instance.
Any student who, for unavoidable cause, absents himself/herself from a class must present a letter of excuse written by the parent or guardian stating specifically the cause of absence. This shall be concurred by the Guidance Counselor, Director of Student Services or Dean and endorsed to the faculty concerned before the student is admitted to class.
B. Certificate of Illness – Students absent from classes due to illness are required to get excuse slips from the University/Campus Clinic. These certificates are issued to students who consulted in the Clinic. Illness attended to elsewhere causing absences from classes shall be reported to the Clinic within three days after absences have been incurred. Excuse slips for the above illnesses as well as for other illness of which the University/Campus Clinic has no records are issued only after satisfactory evidences have been presented.
C. Attendance in University/College Activities – The attendance of the students on any school activity requiring such shall be checked by the class secretary. An absence shall likewise require an excuse slip duly signed by the Guidance Counselor/Director of Student Services or University Physician/Nurse. The student shall not be allowed to attend classes in the succeeding meeting without presenting the duly signed paper.
D. Maximum Residence Rule (MRR) – Residence refers to the number of years or terms required of a student to finish a degree program. Any student is allowed only a maximum of 150 percent of the total number of years required in the curriculum of his/her program for continuous academic years of residence in the University exclusive of his/her approved leave of absence, as the case may be, otherwise he/she shall not be allowed to re-enroll further in the University.
E. Leave of Absence – Leave of absence (LOA) should be requested in a written petition to the Dean. The petition should state the reason for which the leave is desired and should specify the period of the leave. The leave should not exceed one (1) year or two (2) semesters.
If approved, the student shall inform the University/Campus Registrar and may re-enroll as a continuing student the next semester of the semester immediately following the period of his/her leave, provided that he/she has not previously applied for a Certificate of Honorable Dismissal or enrolled in another school.
A graduate student who cannot finish within the MRR plus one-year extension through LOA should enroll six (6) units of foundation courses and six (6) units of specialization courses, comprehensive examination and thesis writing.
If a student who has not finished the academic requirements after the lapse of MRR and re-enrolls the courses he/she has taken shall be evaluated based on the curriculum in force at the time of re-enrollment.
If a student withdraws after ¾ of the total number of hours prescribed for the course has already elapsed, his/her teacher may give him a grade of 5.0 if his class standing up to the time of his withdrawal was below 3.0.
F. Withdrawal from the University – The student reserves the right to withdraw himself/herself from the roster of the University by accomplishing an official withdrawal form from the OASR. He/She must surrender his/her ID card and must pay the fees to defray expenses in the preparation of his/her transfer credentials and the forwarding of records to the college or university to which he/she will transfer. A student shall be given a certificate of eligibility to transfer that entitles him/her for admission to another school, provided all indebtedness to the University has been settled.
Students who withdraw from the University without the formal withdrawal process therefrom shall have their registration privileges curtailed or entirely withdrawn. Further, they should be liable for unpaid authorized fees.
G. Refund of Fees
1. Only tuition and fees, based on 100% payment, shall be refunded in accordance with the prescribed schedule and regulation:
- Within one week from the opening of classes…………………. 70%
- Within two weeks from the opening of classes………………… 50%
- Within three weeks from the opening of classes……………… 30%
- Within four weeks from the opening of classes……………….. 20%
2. After the fourth week or 30 days after the opening of classes, refund of tuition and other fees is no longer allowed.
Commencement and Baccalaureate Services
Attendance of all faculty members during commencement exercises is required. They must wear the appropriate academic gown. During baccalaureate mass or services, which are usually conducted separately according to the religious beliefs of graduating students, faculty attendance is voluntary.
Attendance of graduating students in the general commencement exercises shall be optional. Graduating students who choose not to participate in the general commencement exercises must so inform their respective Deans or their duly designated representatives at least ten (10) days before the commencement exercise.
Graduating student who absent themselves from the general commencement exercises shall obtain their diplomas, or certificates and transcripts or records from the Office of the Registrar provided that they comply with all other requirements and upon presentation of the receipt of payment of the graduation fees and student’s clearance.
Attendance at the commencement exercises shall not be compulsory for the award of corresponding undergraduate certificate or diploma.
Related articles:
Credit Unit
One (1) unit of collegiate academic credit shall be at least eighteen (18) full hours of instruction per semester in the form of lecture, discussion, seminar, tutorial, recitation or equivalent field or any combination of these forms including examinations.
For laboratory classes, one (1) unit of academic credit is equivalent to at least fifty-four (54) contact hours in a semester or three (3) contact hours per week.
Curricular Change
A.Rule on Pre-requisite
Courses considered by the University Council and approved by the Board of Regents as pre-requisites to other courses should be strictly enforced. Pre-requisites shall be taken and passed before enrolling in requisite subjects. However, in meritorious cases, like graduating students who are in their last semester of residence, simultaneous enrolment of the pre-requisites and requisite subjects are allowed provided if they fail in the pre-requisite subjects, the grade of the requisite subjects shall also be invalidated.
B.Changing of Courses
All transfers to other courses shall be made only for valid reasons. Approval from the Deans and faculty concerned must be sought after which the University Registrar shall be properly notified immediately. No transfers shall be allowed after ten (10) days from the start of classes.
C.Dropping of Courses
For cause, a student shall be allowed to drop the courses enrolled with the consent of his/her Professors, duly approved by the Department Chair and the Dean, subject to the following conditions:
- A student who drops a subject shall accomplish the prescribe form of the University;
- A student who drops a subject on or before the mid-term shall have his/her records marked with “AW” ( Authorized Withdrawal) and shall be considered dropped;
- A student who drops a subject after the mid-term shall earn a failing grade or “5.0”; and
- A student who drops a subject without official approval shall have his/her records marked “UW” (Unauthorized Withdrawal) and automatically gets a grade of 5.0.
D.Substitution of Courses.
Substitution of courses may be granted based on at least one of the following:
- when a student is pursuing a curriculum that has been superseded by a new one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line with the new;
- conflict of hours between two required courses during the last semester of his/her study;
- when the required course is not offered during the last semester when the student needs it as a graduating student; or
- student is deficient of a course and/or student has superior competence in the program/discipline desired.
Every petition for substitution:
- must involve courses within the same department, if possible; if not, the two courses concerned must be allied to each other;
- must be between courses in which the course substitute carries a number of units equal to or greater than the units of the required course;
All petitions for substitution must be submitted to the Office of the Dean concerned for his/her action before the end of enrolment period of the semester. Any approved petition, which must strictly conform to the provisions for substitution of courses, shall be considered for the ensuing or for the following semester. In case the action of the Dean is adverse to the recommendation of the adviser and the head of the concerned department, the student may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs whose decision shall be final.
No substitution shall be allowed for any course prescribed in the curriculum in which the student has a failing grade, except when the course is no longer offered, in which case substitution may be allowed provided that, in the opinion of the department offering the prescribe course, the proposed substitute covers substantially the same subject matter as the required course.
A student who leaves the University for reason of suspension, dropping or expulsion due to disciplinary action shall be entitled, or permitted to receive the transcript of records or certification of his/her academic status in the University containing a statement of the disciplinary action rendered against him/her. All indebtedness to the University must be settled before such documents will be issued to him/her.
Educational Field Trip
Educational field trip is allowed to any group of students subject to the following policies and guidelines:
- Request for educational field trips, stating clearly the objectives and the relationship of the trip to the course or program and the planned itinerary of travel, must be filed at the Office of the Dean, for his/her action, at least one (1) month before the schedule of such activity.
- Nearer trips that can attain the same learning objectives are given priority consideration to minimize time and expenses.
- Educational field trip is limited to only one (1) per semester per class. Consideration may be made within programs, thus recommendation from the Department Chairman or Program Head is necessary.
- A waiver duly signed by the parent/guardian must be filed at least one (1) week before the scheduled departure.
- All expenses must be shouldered by the students.
- Participation of students is not compulsory. However, homework shall be given by the faculty to those who will not be joining the trip.
- The faculty concerned must:
- inform other faculty members, who are handling the other courses enrolled by the students concerned, regarding the participation of the students in the trip.
- explain to the students that absences in other courses due to the educational trip are counted as absences, however excused.
- render narrative report after the trip on the significance and contribution of the educational trip to students and the college or university.
- verify whether funding for transportation expenses is available before claims are made. Otherwise, he/she must spend for his/her own.
- stay with the students throughout the duration of the educational field.
- execute an affidavit or any official declaration stating that he/she will exercise paramount diligence in supervising and attending to his/her students during the entire duration of the educational field trip.
The University may impose additional requirements on educational field trips to insure utmost safety of the students and faculty.
Examinations are integral components of instruction and shall be administered by the faculty subject to the College/Academic unit policies/rules for evaluating student performance. All examination papers should be checked, properly recorded, and must be returned to the students.
A. Schedule of Examinations
There are three (3) periodic examinations prescribed every semester, namely; prelim, midterm and final, which shall be conducted in accordance with the schedule prescribed under the University Calendar.
An integrated schedule of course examination during the periodic examinations shall be prepared by the Office of the Registrar in consultation with the Deans of Colleges/Campuses. The schedule shall be disseminated to all students and faculty one week before the date of examination. Faculty members should administer their examinations following strictly the schedule.
Schedule of examinations may be changed by the course teacher provided it is approved by the Dean of College and the students concerned are informed one (1) week before.
Special examinations shall be given to students attending seminars, conventions, workshops, athletic and cultural competitions and the like during the time of examination if their participation is considered vital and approved by the Director of Student Services or College Dean concerned.
B. Types of Examinations
Faculty members enjoy the full academic freedom of deciding the type of examination to give to their students. It is suggested that the examinations assess the significant learning outcomes covered in the course particularly the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) such as creative and critical thinking skills. Performance-based examination should be scored by using rubrics.
Departments may also give departmental examinations in basic courses. The Dean should assign a committee who will prepare the examination for each course.
C. Preparation and Reproduction of Examination Questions
The individual faculty member prepares his/her own examination and uses the resources of the University, if available, for reproducing it. The students must not be made to pay for reproduction expenses except in urgent cases where reproduction was done outside the University resources and provided the permission of the Dean is sought.
D. Examination Proctors and Correctors
Faculty members should act as proctors and correctors of the examination given to their respective classes. Staff and students are not allowed as proctors and correctors.
E. Validating Examination
For purposes of accreditation of courses taken from other institutions by transfer students with ratings lower than 2.50, validating examinations shall be requested by the student from the Office of the Dean.
F. Reporting Cases of Cheating and Other Forms of Dishonesty
Any form of dishonestly and/or deceit, especially cheating during examinations or any class work, shall be subject to disciplinary action ranging from reprimand to automatic failure of the course or test. Faculty members should report suspected cheaters to the Department Head who coordinates with the Director or Coordinator (for external campuses) of the Office of Student Services (OSS) through the College Dean for an investigation and the corresponding appropriate sanction.
Grading System
At the beginning of the semester, faculty members should inform their students on the criteria for grading in accordance with certain standard established by the College/Academic Unit/Department. Some aspects that can be considered for grading are: periodic examinations; term papers; projects; oral report/presentation; and class participation. The weight allocation for each aspect is dependent on what needs to be given emphasis by the faculty.
Only duly registered students should be given ratings and this can be double checked through the official class list. The rating system shall be uniform with an interval of 0.25 where 1.0 is the highest passing grade and 3.0 is the lowest passing grade. The rating of 5.0 is failure.
The detailed rating system is as follows:
Rating Numerical Equivalent Interpretation
1.0 – 98 – 100 – denotes marked excellence
1.25 – 95 – 97 – denotes outstanding
1.5 – 92 – 94 – denotes very good work
1.75 – 89 – 91 – denotes very satisfactory work
2.0 – 86 – 88 – denotes quite good work
2.25 – 83 – 85 – denotes good work
2.5 – 80 – 82 – denotes satisfactory work
2.75 – 77 – 79 – denotes moderately satisfactory work
3.0 – 75 – 76 – denotes passing
5.0 – below 75 – signifies failure. It requires a re-
enrolment and repetition of the course
“INC” – – indicates that work is incomplete
Related articles:
Completion of Incomplete Grade (INC)
An INC grade is given to a student whose class standing throughout the semester or term is passing but fails to take the final examination or fails to complete other course requirements due to illness or valid reasons. Thereupon, a special examination or completion requirements shall be given to him/her by the faculty concerned or by the Department Chair upon payment of a required fee per course.
INC is also given for a work that is of passing quality but some part of which for good reason is unfinished.
The deficiency indicated by the grade of "INC" must be removed within the prescribed period of one year; otherwise it will be converted to a grade of 5.0 by the faculty concerned. In case of unavailability of the concerned faculty, the department chair/program head is authorized to take charge in the completion of the INC.
For scholarship grantees, such deficiency should be completed or removed within a period before the opening of classes of the following semester.
Students not in residence shall pay the registration fee on top of the removal fee in order to be entitled to remove his/her INC grade. (Student Handbook p. 32)
Graduation Requirements
A student shall be recommended for graduation only after he/she has satisfied all academic and other requirements prescribed thereto and has completed at least one (1) year of residence work immediately prior to graduation. Residence work may be extended to a longer period by the Dean of the College through their respective department chair.
Graduation of students who began their studies under previous curricula shall be governed by the following rules:
- Those who have completed all the requirements of the curriculum but did not apply for, nor were granted the corresponding degree or title shall have their graduation approved as of the date they should have originally
- Students who have completed all but two (2) or three (3) courses required by the curriculum shall be made to follow either the revised curriculum or the curriculum enforced from the time they first enrolled in the University to the present.
Guidelines in Connection with Graduation
All candidates for graduation must have their deficiencies made up and their records cleared at least five weeks before the end of their last semester/term in the program, with the exception of those courses in which the student is currently enrolled during that semester.
The requirements for graduation include the completion of all academic as well as non-academic requirements such as submission of bound copies of the dissertation/thesis/project study and the like, if required, on or before the deadline prescribed hereinafter. Otherwise, students concerned should not be included in the final list of candidates for graduation as of the end of the semester/term.
If however, some graduation requirements are completed beyond the deadline, the student must register during the succeeding semester or summer in order to be considered a candidate for graduation as of the end of that semester/summer. The deadlines for completion, specific dates of which shall be stipulated in the University Academic Calendar, of the requirements for graduation are:
- For those graduating as of the end of summer, the deadline is thebefore the first day of regular registration for the first semester.
- For those graduating as of the end of the first semester, the deadlinethe day before the first day of regular registration for the second semester.
- For those graduating as of the end of the second semester, the deadlineone week before the date of graduation.
Formal Application for Graduation
A graduating student must file formal application with the Office of the Registrar as candidate for graduation upon enrolment or within three (3) weeks after enrolment on his/her last semester/term in College. This information shall serve as the basis for identifying candidates for graduation so that their records can be checked early enough.
Clearance as Requirement for Graduation.
Students who have completed all the academic requirements for their respective degrees may be recommended for graduation even if they have not processed their clearance. However, the granting of honorable dismissal and the issuance of the transcript of records, diploma and other documents shall be withheld pending submission of clearance by the student.
Presentation of Candidates for Graduation to the Academic Council
After the filing of application for graduation, the Office of the Admission and Student Records shall conduct a faculty meeting in all colleges/campuses to present and scrutinize the academic records of all their graduating students. After that, the OASR Director or University Registrar must submit the complete list of candidates for graduation, including the list of candidates for academic honors to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for presentation to the University Academic Council.
Honorable Dismissal
A student in good standing who desires to leave the University shall present a written petition to this effect to the University Registrar, signed by his parent or guardian. If the petition is granted, the student shall be given Certificate of Honorable Dismissal upon presentation of his/her clearance and receipt of payment. The certificate indicates that the student withdrew in good standing as far as character and conduct are concerned. If the student has been dropped from the rolls because of poor scholarship, a statement to that effect may be added to the honorable dismissal.
After the release of the certificate of honorable dismissal, incomplete grades obtained by the student can no longer be removed even if those grades are still within the reglementary period. This rule likewise applies to students who have already registered in another school before being officially granted honorable dismissal by University.
Related article:
Medium of Instruction
English is generally used as a medium of instruction in the University. In consonance with the Bilingual Education Policy, Language, whether Filipino or English, should be taught in that language. Literature, Humanities and Social Science courses may be taught in Filipino, English or any other languages as long as there are enough instructional materials for the same and both students and faculty are competent in that language.
Faculty members are expected to express themselves fluently in English. Outside the classroom, faculty members are encouraged to maintain conversations in English, especially when talking to students.
Recognition of High Scholastic Achievement
Dean’s List
At the end of every semester, all colleges/academic units prepare a “Dean’s List” which recognizes students in their respective colleges/academic units who achieved outstanding performance in academics. The criteria for inclusion in the "Dean's List" are to be determined by each college/academic unit. A student must have an academic load of at least eighteen (18) units or the normal load prescribed in the curriculum in that semester for him/her to qualify for the recognition. The "Dean's list" is published in the school publication or posted in any conspicuous place in the college/campus immediately after a semester ends. The college/academic unit may give a certificate indicating academic excellence to students who received this recognition.
Graduation with Honors
a). Undergraduate students who completed their courses with the following range of weighted average grades computed to the second decimal place shall be graduated with honors:
Summa Cum Laude……………. 1.00 – 1.20
Magna Cum Laude…..……...…..1.21 – 1.45
Cum Laude…………….……………..1.46 – 1.75
b). In the case of candidates for graduation with honors, the following special rules shall apply:
1) Candidates had enrolled no less than the normal load prescribed in the curriculum during all the semesters of stay in the university;
2) Candidates had completed the required academic units within the approved prescribed period of study in continuous enrollment except when his/her absence is caused byserious illness or accident as certified by government physician. An LOA for one year maybe granted to student to qualify him/her for honors.
3) Candidates had not incurred dropped, incomplete or failed subjects;
4) The General Weighted Average (GWA) computation includes all grades obtained in all academic subjects under the curriculum pursued by the candidate except NSTP;
5) For transferees, the following additional conditions apply:
i. That fifty (50) percent or more of the total number of academic units required forgraduation had been completed in the University;
ii. Tha candidate had acquired residence work in the University for a period of at least two years for four-year courses and three years for five-year courses immediately prior to graduation;
iii. That candidate had not incurred dropped or failed subjects from any of the schools previously attended;
iv. That in the computation of the GWA, the rating system of previous institution will be applied in all accredited/validated subjects required in the curriculum pursued by the candidate.
A student must be officially registered in order to receive credit for course work. No undergraduate/graduate student shall be registered in any course after two (2) weeks of regular class meetings have been held. If registration is made outside the regular registration period indicated in the university calendar, the student shall be subject to fine for late registration. Students enrolling in special courses with no prescribed schedule of enrolment may register at any time without the payment of the fine for late registration subject to other regulations of the University.
A. Cross Registration.
Within the University – No student shall be registered in any College/Academic Unit of the University without the permission of the Dean or Director of the College/Academic Unit in which he/she is primarily enrolled. A form shall be accomplished for cross-registration purposes. A student who requests permission to cross-register for courses in another College/Academic Unit should first complete his registration (including payment of fees) in the College/Academic Unit where he/she is primarily enrolled. The total number of units of credit for which a student may register in two or more colleges/academic units in this University should not exceed the maximum number allowed in the rules on academic load.
From another institution – A student who registered in another institution and who wishes to cross-register in USEP must present a written permit from his/her Dean or Registrar. The written permit should state the total number of units for which the student is registered and the courses that he/she is authorized to take in the University.
To another institution – The University gives no credit for any course taken by any of its students in any other institution unless taking such course was duly approved by the Dean upon recommendation of the University/Campus Registrar. The written authorization is to be recorded by the University Registrar and should specify the courses authorized.
courses authorized
Cross-enrolment to another institution may be granted provided:
a. the course is not offered in the university in the last semester of his/course;
b. the University chooses the academic institution where the student may cross-enroll, particularly in a university or college recognized by CHED and with accredited programs;
c. non-graduating students are allowed to cross enroll if the course to be enrolled is not a major course of the curriculum; and
d. the student cross-enrolls only in at most six (6) academic units.
e. payment of registration fee for him/her to be recommended for graduation.
B. Shifting of Program within the College/Academic Unit
A student currently enrolled in the university who wishes to transfer from any other colleges/academic units should file at his/her current college/academic unit an application or request for transfer with recommendation by the Guidance Counselor. His application shall be referred to the accepting college/academic unit together with a certification of grades from the OASR/Registrar that contains his/her scholastic record.
If the student satisfies the admission requirements of the College/Academic Unit or upon approval of the Dean, he/she gets a University clearance that he/she presents to the accepting college/academic unit together with the permit to transfer and certificate of grades or certified evaluation sheet.
No student shall be allowed to enroll in two (2) academic programs at the same time.
Scholastic Deliquency
Students are expected to make satisfactory progress towards a degree, certificate or other approved program of study. To ensure that students are making progress, the University shall imposed suitable and effective provisions governing delinquent undergraduate students. Subject to the minimum standards:
Any student who, at the end of the semester, fails by twenty five percent (25%) of the total number of academic units for which he/she is enrolled shall be officially warned by the Dean, through a written notice, to improve his/her work. In the succeeding semester he/she can still carry a normal academic load.
If a student fails again by 25% of the total number of academic units enrolled after the warning, he/she shall be placed on probation.
Any student who, at the end of the semester, obtains passing grades in less than 50% of the total number of academic units for which he/she is enrolled shall be placed on probation in the succeeding semester.
A student on probation status shall be allowed to carry only a limited load of not more than seventy five percent (75%) of the regular load for the semester.
Dismissal from the College/Academic Unit
Any student on probation who fails more than 50% of the total numberunits in which he/she is enrolled shall be dropped from the rolls of the College/Academic Unit.
- Any student who obtains three (3) failures in two (2) consecutive semesters shall be dropped from the rolls of the College/Academic Unit.
- Any student who, at the end of the semester, fails more than 75% of the total number of academic units enrolled shall be dropped from the rolls of the College/Academic Unit.
- Any student dropped from one College/Academic Unit shall not ordinarily be considered for admission to another unit of the University unless, in the opinion of the Guidance Counselor, his/her natural aptitude and interest may qualify him/her in another field ofIn which case he/she may be allowed to enroll in the proper College/Academic Unit or Department.
Permanent Disqualification
Any student shall be permanently barred from re-enrolment in any college/academic unit of the University on the following bases:
- Any student who, at the end of the semester or term, obtains failure in 100 percent of the academic units in which he/she enrolled.
- Any student who was dropped in accordance with Item (iv) above of the rules on dismissal and again fails which make it necessary to drop him again, shall be not eligible for readmission.
- Dismissal due to violation of the rules and regulations of the University.
Permanent disqualification shall not apply to cases in which failing grades of the student were due to his/her unauthorized dropping of the courses and not to poor scholarship, as certified by the Department Head concerned. However, if the unauthorized withdrawal takes place after the mid-term examinations and the mid-term grades obtained by the student were poor, the grade of 5.0 (failure) will be credited against him/her for the purpose of this scholarship rule. The Dean shall deal with these cases on their individual merits provided that in no case of readmission to the same or another college/academic unit shall the action be lighter than probation.
A grade of Incomplete is not to be included in the computation. When it is replaced by a final grade, the latter is to be included in the grades during the semester when the removal is made.
No readmission of dismissed student or disqualified students shall be considered by the College Deans without the favorable recommendation of the Director of the Office of Student Services. Cases in which the action of the College Dean conflicts with the recommendation of the Director of the Office of the Student Services may be elevated to the VP for Academic Affairs for his/her final decision.
A student who drops at least one (1) course for three (3) consecutive terms shall be advised to transfer.
Enrollment of Failed Courses
Required courses in which a student has failed shall take precedence over other courses in his succeeding enrollment.