ICAS 2024 Day 1 Highlights

The 4th International Conference on Arts and Sciences 2024, organized by the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) headed by the Dean Dr. Marnie Grace I. Sonico and the Research and Development Center for Arts and Sciences (RDCAS) headed by the Center Manager Dr. Ariel C. Pedrano, kicked off its groundbreaking first day on November 22, 2024.

The day began with a welcome address by the International Affairs Division Director Dr. Adora P. Zerrudo who emphasized the importance of integrating diverse insights from both arts and sciences to build sustainable frameworks that honor our heritage, support economic progress, and promote social well-being.

University President Dr. Bonifacio G. Gabales, Jr. highlighted the deeper understanding participants would gain about the crucial role that arts and sciences play in creating a sustainable future.

During the keynote session, National Research Council of the Philippines (DOST-NRCP) President Dr. Aimee Lynn Barrion-Dupo emphasized the importance of communicating, connecting, and cultivating the integration of art and science to achieve success in disseminating research results beyond publications.

Day 1 featured plenary speakers from the Mathematics and Statistics and Natural Science clusters. Dr. Edwin Tecarro from the University of Houston – Downtown discussed the increasing reliance of biology on data and models, and how advances in computer sciences facilitate information handling. Dr. Irma Tandingan de Ley spoke on sustainably mitigating invasive species.

In the afternoon, breakout sessions were held for the Mathematics and Statistics and Natural Science clusters. The Mathematics and Statistics session, led by Dr. Anthony F. Capili, Program Head of BS Statistics, featured five presenters who answered participants’ questions. The Natural Science session, led by Mr. Daryl S. Salas, Program Head of BS Biology, featured six presenters who engaged with questions from the virtual audience.