Thinking broadly expands the means by which the KTT office can have an imp act, identifying research needs within the community and connecting to faculty interests, collaborating with the private sector to host events and direct focus to addressing commercial needs, and creating real impact by focusing on the application potential of science and technology research. The KTT office creates magic by identifying the interconnection of technology and opportunity, talent and opportunity, or the trifecta of technology, talent, and opportunity. (USAID KTTO Guide)
The University envisions to contribute to nation building by producing experts, knowledge and technological innovations. Technological innovations as outputs from researches in the University can lead to the development of commercial products. In the present knowledge-based economy, innovation is the most efficient means to sustainable economic growth. Protection of innovations and other related works of the university researchers through IP rights ownership are deemed necessary. These intellectual property rights in practice can generate wealth while creating impact to a wider community. This is where the work of the technology transfer comes in, to transfer scientific findings from one organization to another for the purpose of further development and commercialization.
In essence, innovation is invention plus commercialization. The emphasis is on securing intellectual property and serving as steward of the newly created asset in such a way that it creates value for the university and the community through various modes: licensing, start-ups/spin-offs, joint venture and outright sale.
- To ensure that research outputs or creative works are IP protected, and/or policy translated, and/or technological innovation incubated, and/or new product developed, value-added and commercialized, and/or scientific knowledge published and/or disseminated
Greetings of peace!
By virtue of the Batas Pambansa Bilang 12 in 1978, the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP), a state university in Region XI, was created. More than three decades later, the Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) was established forged through the USeP Board Resolution No. 4115, series 2011. Since then, the ITSO has become an organic part of the University.
The ITSO is an intellectual property (IP) office of the University and a franchise to the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL). After the battery of trainings and system were downloaded to the USeP ITSO, the said IP Office of the University now offers patent search services and skills training, patent clinic advisory & agency, patenting services & skills training, IP management, and patent documentation to the community and stakeholders.
From the time when the ITSO was founded, this IP Office has made some significant strides for the sustainable development of the USeP. The 1978 USeP logo is now registered as a trademark in 2013. The University has saved resources in the prosecution of the 56 patent applications as the USeP now has two registered patent agents conducted by the European Patent Office (EPO) in 2012. One notable achievement of the ITSO was when it has bagged the recognition given by the IPOPHL as the top patent filer in the country in 2014. For the moment, an appreciable amount was earned by the University through the assistance it provides to external clients. It has also been doing extensive information, education, & communication (IEC) campaign to the potential end-users, other SUCs and private institutions in the Region and other parts of the country.
Attuned to the vision and mission of the USeP, the ITSO intends to be more relevant to the community and stakeholders. The Innovation and Technology Support Office, in partnership with the IPOPHL and the DOST, has been robustly implementing its agreed and expected outputs – to increase the number of technologies patented, the number of research outputs IP-protected of the USeP and to possibly commercialize incubated technologies through the adoption of the tenets of technological Research and Development (R&D) and innovations.
Numerous global literatures and practices of the leading economies have strongly emphasized the gargantuan and significant role of innovation in sustaining development. The ITSO is expected to work closely with the newly institutionalized Technology Transfer Office (TTO) in the University for the incubation and commercialization of generated and IP-protected technologies. To sustain the relevance, significance and long-term health of the University in the country and the ASEAN Region, the ITSO needs to further rev up and fast track its innovation programs.
The Intellectual Property Management Unit protects the IP-based technologies and other IPR generated from R&D activities. The law that covers intellectual property and its protection is found in Republic Act 8293, otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (IP Code). Industrial property and Copyright & Related Rights are the two categories of Intellectual Property Rights. Inventions, scientific and scholarly works, computer programs, trademarks, service marks trade names, industrial designs, and utility models are protected under Industrial Property Rights. Literary (e.g., journal, thesis/dissertation manuscripts) and artistic works (e.g., painting, sculpture, cinematography, and photographs) are protected under Copyright and Related Rights.
The Technology Business Incubation Unit provides technical and business support to its incubatees to start their own company. The incubatees may come from a group of University students and/or a faculty-researchers with a thesis/research willing to establish a startup company. The Unit evaluates the technical feasibility of the IP-based technologies turned into products/ solutions and assists in the conduct of market validation.
The Technology Transfer Unit commercializes the IP-based technologies turned into products or solutions through various technology transfer modalities: licensing, sale, joint venture or spinoffs. The TTU is the marketing arm and the technology licensing unit of the University. It further establishes networks and linkages for promotion of the University technologies
The DigiHub FabLab Davao is a collaborative project between the University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP), the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI XI) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST XI). Located at USEP College of Technology in Obrero, it aims to provide the tools, training and resources for creativity and innovation in the academe, micro, small and medium scale enterprises (MSMEs), inventor groups, hobbyists and design professionals. Its mandate includes Prototype Designing, Development, and Engineering, Design and Machine Operation Training, and Advisory and Consultation.
Knowledge and Technology Transfer Services includes the following:
• Freedom to Operate
• Patent Drafting
• Patent Prosecution
• IP Audit
• IP Education
• IP Management
• Market Support
• Research Agreements
• Outright Scale
• Joint Venture
• Industry Support
• Technology Valuation
• Fairness Opinion Report
• Technology & Market Validation
• Investment & Networking Support
• Business Plan
• Market Study
• Design and Machine Operation Training
• Advisory and Consultation
Iñigo St. Bo. Obrero, Davao City 8000
loc 285