USeP – CIC Graduate School Students Conducts Software Development Essentials Webinar

The USeP’s College of Information and Computing CIC graduate school students hosted a webinar entitled “Software Development Essentials” last November 28 and December 5, 2020, through Zoom and Facebook Live and is participated by around 400 students. The two-part webinar series aimed to provide a better understanding of the complete cycle, from planning to deployment, of the software solutions being developed with the use of different stacks in software development from backend to frontend.
Dr. Whilner Morales, Project Manager of over 300 technical people, a Project Management Professional, and a Certified Agile-Scrum Master, served as the first speaker during the first day of the activity. Dr. Morales talked about PMP and Agile-Scrum including project governance framework, agile manifesto, and the 12 agile principles. He also presented different techniques in handling new demands from clients without breaking Agile Principle #2.
The second speaker was Mr. John Alfred Cezar Dafielmoto, a Microsoft Certified Azure Fundamental Specialist. Mr. Dafielmoto talked about the technical side of project management as well as Microsoft Azure DevOps basics. He also discussed two of the most common source code version controls (git and team foundation) for creating repositories, branches, and executing pull/push.
Mr. Michael Camara Pendon, a Microsoft certified professional developer and a Microsoft certified technology specialist, discussed the hybrid-Object Relation Mapping (ORM) and the application of architecture and design. Mr. Pendon explained the different capabilities of ORM by giving examples of how RepoDB can solve real-world complex and edge-cases in relation to the data-access-layer of software architecture.
The second day of the webinar series started with the talk on full-stack development using VueJs by Mr. Karl Vincent Perez, CEO of KyroshTech Corporation. Mr. Perez explained VueJS as a frontend and backend framework. This was followed by Mr. James Carlo Sebial Luchavez, a BSIT student. Mr. Luchavez discussed the boilerplate which has authentication using laravel passport and a multi-role security integration as well as the benefits of separation of concerns in software development (frontend and backend).
Mr. Migue Zenon Saavedra, a certified DevOps Engineer, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Academy Accredited Educator of AWS, was the last speaker at the event. Mr. Saavedra’s discussion was about AWS Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CICD). He then explained the importance of CICD from a DevOps perspective and proceeded to his discussion on the monolithic architecture in software development.
The two-day webinar series focused on whether a fewer software product delivered sooner catches more worth than more software products delivered later.