CARS submits its Graduate Programs to CHED-COPC Evaluation

The CHED Regional Office XI and its Technical Panel for Agriculture conducted an onsite Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) Evaluation on the Graduate Programs of the College of Agriculture and Related Sciences on July 20-21, 2022 at USeP Tagum-Mabini Campus.  The COPC is a recognition that the specific degree programs being offered by the University are fully compliant with the policies, standards, and guidelines of CHED.

The academic programs evaluated were Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture, Master of Science in Agriculture (majors in Agronomy, Animal Science, Crop Protection, Horticulture, and Soil Science), and Master of Extension Education.

The technical panel for agriculture was composed of Dr. Aimee Lynn B. Dupo and Mr. Monico Eroma (Technical Secretariat).  Likewise, CHED RO XI was represented by Dr. Lourdes D. Cesar, the education supervisor for the agriculture program and other allied fields.

Before the opening program, the team paid a courtesy visit to Dr. Cesar A. Limbaga, Jr., Tagum-Mabini Campus Chancellor. They were also welcomed by Dr. Roger C. Montepio, CARS Dean, Dr. Hyde D. Nadela, Associate Dean, and Ms. Mechelle R. Mangmang, QA Head.

The opening program and presentation of the program’s self-evaluation by the program heads (Dr. Jonathan S. Mangmang-PhD. Horticulture, Dr. Angie R. Poliquit-MS Agriculture, and Dr. Fernando V. Magdato, Jr.-Master of Extension Education) were held at FTC Hall, Tagum Unit.  After which, validation through ocular visits to the library and laboratory and research areas in Tagum Unit was conducted.

On the second day, the team visited the facilities in Mabini Unit, and an exit conference was held in the afternoon at the Lourdes Hall, ARTIC building, Mabini Unit.

Dr. Dupo acknowledged the teamwork of everyone, from the preparation of the documents up to the conduct of inspection or compliance, as everyone is a team player.  Although all the programs are eligible, she gave some feedback to improve the programs.  She also thanked the faculty and staff for making her first visit to USeP fun.